Our Friends & Affliates
Beautiful Fort Collins...
Playstandsplus - Steve Wright, the shop manager's side project. He's making some really neat kid's toys, "His play stands ain't playin'."
Peace Officer Music - Loren's band.
Bashkin Guitars - Our friend next door. One of the finest guitar builders in the country.
Craft Trophy - They engrave our recipe boxes down the street.
Xylem Design - The hyperactive genius, Greg Glebe.
The Cupboard - Old Town Fort Collins landmark retail store.
The Armstrong Hotel - Renovated. Restored. Revitalized.
Mugs Coffee Lounge - Where you will find Tyler Morris at 6am.
Christina Gressianu - Great photography.
TylerJohnson.me - Tyler Johnson's Portfolio.
On Demand Print Center - Tyler Johnson's Dad's business.
Blue Skies Marketing - Laurie Macomber, SEO Expert, is a true pro. "Text is the dynamite that blows a website up to the top."
Greyrock Concrete Design - A one-of-a-kind decorative concrete design studio.
Craftsmen Builders - We build drawers for this very reputable home builder and remodeler.
The Computer Guy Fort Collins - Eddie Arthur's computer service and repair.
...and Other Favorites
Sawhorse Workshop - Custom Woodworking
Brettswork.com - My brother's website.
Lura Frazey.com - Business Writer and Editor.